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Castle Vale Community Housing Drop-in Sessions and Walkabouts

Resident Drop-in sessions

We warmly welcome and encourage residents to attend our informal drop-in sessions. People come, we listen, we act. Putting tenants’ voices at the heart of everything we do, is key for us as an organisation.   The meetings allow for meaningful information sharing between CVCH, its partners and residents. The regularity of the sessions enables residents to engage with several different community initiatives, depending on their availability and interest. The meetings will also provide a much-welcome opportunity for tenants to connect with the CVCH team and community partners in person.

The first 12 sessions since summer 2022 have worked well,  with more than 300 residents in attendance across community venues across Castle Vale.   The Resident Engagement Officer has already actioned over 30 tenant concerns and customer feedback forms completed have been referred to the relevant departments including for a range of issues from cost of living advice , anti-social behaviour and local activities for residents.   Please visit our web pages for up-and-coming dates

Estate Walkabouts

Do you have any concerns with your area/estate  Walkabouts give residents the chance to work alongside Neighbourhood Officers to highlight issues in the local area.

Find out which patch and walkabout you can take part in here.

Residents and officers walk the estate together, looking out for anything that make the estate look untidy/unsafe and make a note of it.

Why not come along and join us on the Estate Walkabout for your area and have a say in how you would like your area improved? If you are unable to come along on the day, don’t worry you can still be involved by contacting us on (0121 648 8100) or email us at you can highlight any improvements you think would enhance your estate and have an influence in any decisions we make.   Dates will posted on our web pages shortly.

Resident Meetings

Resident meetings are held across Topcliffe & Chivenor House, Whittle Croft  and Phoenix Court on a monthly basis to listen to key resident concerns, suggestions for improvements , provide updates and work together to develop community projects /problem solve issues.  For more information, please contact 0121 648 8100) or email us at