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Farnborough Road

Good progress is being made on-site at the Farnborough Road to develop 123 properties.

As well as 40 properties being built for Birmingham City Council and a number of properties being offered for sale properties, the 24 properties owned by the Pioneer Group have recently been completed with new households making them their home.

Pioneer’s properties are let at social rent levels and are made up as follows:

  • 10 one bedroom apartments;
  • 8 two bedroom houses; and
  • 6 three bedroom houses

The Pioneer Group’s properties have been let through Castle Vale Community Housing’s waiting list, which favours those with a local connection to Castle Vale. More information on the scheme can be found by clicking here. When these properties become vacant, they will be let through a mixture of CVCH’s waiting list and Birmingham City Council’s scheme.

Lee Steele, Pioneer’s Head of Housing & Customer Services said ‘Castle Vale, with its vibrant community, is a popular place to live, with many expressing a desire to set up home here. We’re delighted to be increasing the number of social homes for rent through this new development.’

If you are interested in purchasing a property on this site, please visit or call them on 0121 421 8300.